Standardizing documentation at Netdata

About the Project

During my time at Netdata, I initiated a long-term documentation standardization project after uncovering inconsistencies in a detailed content audit. I created page-level markdown templates and paragraph-level components that automatically generate text for certain tasks, promoting information reuse over duplication. I supplemented my concept with internal documentation to facilitate the adoption of the improved documentation structure.


An overview of platforms Netdata integrates with.
Fig. 1 - An overview of platforms Netdata integrates with. Source: Netdata on Github

Netdata is an open-source system health monitoring software you can install on your devices to monitor your hardware. To be able to collect data from a wide array of applications, Netdata provides numerous plugins and collectors - and a documentation page for each of them (~200 in total).
Netdata's documentation needed to match the quick growth of the company. A lot of content was written without a long-term strategy in mind, giving rise to the following problems:


The goals of my initiative were to improve documentation maintainability and usability by:


To tackle the issue, I took four steps:

  1. Content audit
  2. Identifying standardization opportunities
  3. Creating templates
  4. Communication and facilitation

Content Audit

Whenever I audit documentation, I focus on two areas:

Quantitative audit

When I am looking at the bigger picture, I usually work with a spreadsheet representation of the sitemap. I look at each page briefly to determine its purpose and note it down using the DITA classification (Task, Concept, Reference). Very often, I encounter pages that mix each of these topic types. For these, I will add a note of what was mixed to spot potential patterns later on.
The spreadsheet is a great tool to identify duplicates or topical intersections and helps with making informed decisions about information architecture.

Result of the content audit.
Fig. 2 - Quantitative audit table

Qualitative audit

When I am analyzing the quality of a document, I often reach to one or more of the following tools in my toolbox:

Result of the content audit.
Fig. 3 - Qualitative audit example

Identifying standardization opportunities

Performing a content audit is a lot of work, but it pays off as it allows you to make informed decisions about your content. The audit revealed three major issues:

Possible solution

All of these shortcomings can benefit from a single source of truth. A single source of truth means that you store and maintain content in one place. When we talk about single-sourcing, we also need to store content in a modular way, so we can embed useful information, instead of copying and pasting it into other documents. That way, whenever we need to update the content, we do it once and all embedded instances get updated automatically.

The figure below illustrates what this could look like: The documentation is the single source of truth and contains all information about a feature, e.g. databases. When you now want to create a new page that is tailored to a specific use case, you can reassemble the parts as needed - like assembling Lego!

Result of the content audit.
Fig. 5 - What a reuse strategy can look like

Now, if adjacent departments like marketing, training, etc. use the same input formats, you could make content consistent across departments. That way, content could be created, used, and maintained in sync with the product life cycle.

Creating Templates

The audit showed that I could standardize nearly 200 pages with one template.
I started drafting a template and discussing it with my peers. I determined which sections were always required and which were optional. Side note: Ideally, you would define such a document structure in an XML schema, but Markdown doesn't allow for document validation, which means you need to train the writers to ensure the structure.

The final template featured the use of "components" which are modular bits of code you can insert into an MDX file. MDX blends together Markdown and JSX code, a language used by the frontend framework React. I created components to generate standardized chunks of text. To make the text customizable, you can pass in a variable that will get inserted in the text.
For example:

<CollectorConfiguration configURL="" moduleName="go.d/apache.conf" />

will turn into:

To edit the go.d/apache.conf configuration file:

  1. Navigate to the Netdata config directory.
    cd /etc/netdata
  2. Use the edit-config script to edit go.d/apache.conf.
    sudo ./edit-config go.d/apache.conf
  3. Enable changes to the collector by setting enabled: yes.
  4. Save the changes and restart the Agent with sudo systemctl restart netdata or the appropriate method for your system.

For all available options, please see the module configuration file.

You can have a look at all documentation templates and the components code on Github.

Communication and Facilitation

While working at Netdata I relocated to the U.S. for personal reasons. Unfortunately, I had to part ways in the process. There was still a lot to do before I left, so I to prepared a diligent handover, including the creation of knowledge sharing sessions, recorded trainings, and extensive documentation. This allowed my team to continue implementing the project.


Establishing a single source of truth

The reason why a single source of truth is desirable, is to reduce inconsistencies and make content more manageable. However, to really leverage a single source of truth, you need to have bits of highly-structured content; Markdown files are the opposite of that being loosely written monolithic documents lacking extensive metadata. Markdown itself doesn't support the technical mechanisms needed to implement a sophisticated reuse concept. To leverage at least some benefits of content reuse, I created "components" based on JSX, as described above.

Another reason why we weren't able to easily implement a single source of truth was the documentation setup (see fig. 6). The docs were set up in a way that prioritized low friction for the engineers, not the tech writers. Separating the static site generator from the documentation repositories meant that unless you had a lot of context, you didn't know if you were working with a copy or the original file in the netdata/learn repository.

The picture shows how the documentation was set up at Netdata.
Fig. 6 - Documentation setup at Netdata

Accommodating different audience needs

Together with my manager and senior engineers we discussed the trade-offs between readable source code and a good UX on our documentation website. Using components meant that maintaining the documentation would become easier. But using a static site generator to resolve the component and render the content meant that it was difficult to understand the Markdown files by themselves.

We decided that we wanted our documentation website to be the main format of delivery, as it allows us to create interactive code samples, and other features. The website also allowed us to gather data about user behavior to make further improvements to our content.


Even though I am no longer with the company, I am sure that the initiative will stabilize Netdata's documentation set and enable them to produce content more easily.
I've introduced the single source of truth and reuse paradigm, and laid out what the future of Netdata's documentation could look like. Single sourcing content unlocks synergies between departments - Netdata's brand identity, voice and tone would stay consistent across departments while keeping information up-to-date more easily.
My manager used to say "We build the tracks as the train moves forward." While the vision of a unified content strategy is a tall order, I showed one potential way to lay down some tracks using their existing tech stack.

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